Finding Self

You and Samsara are waterfalls of knowledge - in that circle under the great oaks some of us were desperately trying to contain some of it in notebooks, like trying to catch a torrent in a thimble and others knowing it was impossible simply bathing in it, allowing it to cascade over us and back down into the earth below 

I have been closely following your advice and I feel your voice and your wisdom so strongly in me… the spiral of the rose inside my body… you really are truly powerfully magic- your voice resides and echoes around and inside like a blanket or a kind mother or an ancestor… it’s an unbelievably blissfully beautiful feeling.

Yesterday I practiced sit spots with the kids and journaled. Emily, following Mother Daughter camp 2024

I came to Jill searching for answers to problems that had held me back from experiencing my full potential.

Using sensitive, intelligent questioning Jill drilled down to what lay at the core of my issues and together we unearthed deeply held negative beliefs and in their place we planted the positive truths that were revealed during the session. Jill’s unwavering faith in the power of Shadow Work quickly dispelled any reservations I may have had as to the efficacy of the work, and I jumped right in and was rewarded with insights into my past that might have taken me years of conventional therapy to glean. I can not recommend Jill’s work highly enough. She is utterly brilliant. Rosie Miles.

Thank you deeply for this profound experience and the integrity with which your work is offered. It’s mindblowing and paradigm-shifting for me. SJ

"I booked Jill to help me explore area’s in my life that I felt stuck.

I craved peace and light. 

I got that and more. 
Jill held the space with a gentle authority that made me feel safe and able to be led on my terms.

The flow, the pace of our 4.5 hour session was perfect and I felt safe to express parts of myself that I never knew were hiding, lost, buried and yearning to be healed. I feel I did this with Jills expertise and I will never be the same again.

This woman is a beacon of safety to allow you to catch your breath in life, and heal what needs healing with her balm." LR

Jill, if I could fully articulate in words how fortunate, blessed and grateful I feel to have been part of the space that you have created and bravely breathed life into I would. But I can’t right now, there are still no words big, deep or wide enough. Where words fail emojis take over 😍😍😍🥳😍😍🥰🥰🥰😘😗😘😗😋😋😋😋😭😭😭😭🫀🧠🧠👣🌿🌱🪴🌸🌼🌻🌞🌞🌞☄️💥☄️💥🔥🔥🌈☀️😂🤣😂💛💛💛💛💛💛💛

I've never met anyone like Jill.

Her boundless care and desire to help others to really, deeply know and love themselves is humbling. She has a deep wisdom and holds space in a way that allows you to access the wisdom and knowing the lies within yourself. Her practical support and guidance over the years has been invaluable for me - I can honestly say that I would not be where I am now in my practice or personal life if it weren't for Jills input. I highly recommend her and I hope your life will be enriched by her as mine has.

Eloise Minton
Acupuncturist and Nutritionalist

Trying to find words to describe what I experienced over the weekend feels like trying to carry water in my bare hands. Words slip by and pour through my fingers, unable to quite articulate what there was there... struck dumb with total awe at the other women I witnessed. Alone. United. Like all the women who have ever been. Broken and remade. More glorious than I'd ever noticed before.

Something moved in me. Deep and old and true. Wild magic grasped for us. And I felt all those who were not there with us too. The air hummed. A thing taught to my Mother and her mother before her snapped and I saw it for the ugly lie it is. Women are not small delicate things. No.

Air stilled. Heat rising. Brain quickening. Pregnant with an idea. Such evil that these creatures I saw before me felt anything other than divine.
Hair on end, eyes wide, heartbeat out of place, throat stuck, eyes filling, sweat prickling. I watched these women. Stand up. Take stage. Step into their own skin. Find their place in things. Hair loose. Tears falling. Embodiments of The Sacred Earth. Burning with rage and power. High on existance. I hope they saw themselves as I did. Mortal Goddesses. Awakened from their slumber by magic woven into their flesh, called forth by drum beats, heard words, intention and love. Lucy Beana.

It's hard to write in words alone, to sum up the extent that this remarkably profound and magical woman has had on me, but I am so grateful to have been introduced to her.

Jill immediately made me feel at ease, with a wonderfully familiar feeling of safety and nurturing in the environment that she creates in her sessions.

Jill’s effortlessness to communicate and intense thoughtfulness in her approach to her work enabled me personally to walk away from our sessions each time a completely new person, she created space mentally to enable me rediscover my own power and take hold of what was there but I couldn’t originally see. She is incredibly supportive, truly pure and kind and I have since recommended her to everyone I know that I feel could benefit from her expertise; nearly everyone I know has now been to see her and experienced similar elation at what has unfolded as a result of this exploration of self.

We hold the power ourselves, but we also need support, coaching and guidance, and I couldn’t recommend Jill more highly to be your guide on the journey towards understanding yourself more. She is a beautiful soul and I have most definitely been affected by her magical abilities to see the truth in whatever you are unfolding. Isabelle Josephs.

I found the weekend deeply inspiring and transformational and have a thousand and one ideas about how to embed it all. I found the weaving together of the seasons and cycles of weather, fire, menstruating and life cycles deeply compelling and moving. It brought this relationship to life for me in a new way and has broken open my micro thinking into a more profound macro way. Awesome. My daughter is equally inspired and I loved the fact she was able to observe strong women rooted in nature and know she too could step on that road. Thank you amazing staff team and also to our community of women and girls who provided a container to explore in. C.

I hope this camp is still running when I have a daughter. I want to bring her.

Probably the most inspirational community experience we have ever had. Thank you to each and everyone of you! C came home and made a fire pit to enjoy with her sister and brother.

What a wonderful time! We arrived home and my partner said what a noticeable difference he saw and felt in us - which says it all . It was so wonderful to meet you all and you daughters, inspiring and heart filling to see a small glimpse of a weekend without conflict in it ( knowing that is possible in the world- is a great seed!) . Could talk and praise for hours . Thank you all of you . A.N.

We feel so full of love and gratitude. That was one of the most moving and inspirational times that I have ever shared with my daughter. May all our fires continue to burn bright!


The one thing that stood out for me was the way in which she helped deliver Elijah. Jill used a variety of techniques, such as Rebozo scarf technique, and she knew when to use the birthing pool. She made sure everyone was well fed and watered and even held me in a supportive embrace when I actually gave birth. She offered a serene sense of wisdom and love at all times during the birth. There were some complications and the midwife would have routinely sent us to hospital, but thanks to Jill we were able to have the profound birth experience that we had hoped for.

She really respected what I wanted, in particular that I didn’t want to have any examinations during the labour. Jill knew my rights and stood up for me, telling the midwife ‘this is what Sarah wants’, and the midwife really listened to her.

Jill continues to be a good friend post-birth and is a wonderful ambassador for her profession. Non-intrusive, Jill felt like an old friend; from start to finish, before and after the birth.

Sarah & Will, Mumma & Dadda to Elijah




As my first labour started 2 weeks after the due date my husband and I were thoroughly shocked when I started going into labour the morning after the due date of our second child. We called Jill fairly soon after we realised I was actually in labour and she arrived, what seemed like, almost right away. I had been ill with a bad flu for about a week before I went into labour so was feeling very exhausted and overwhelmed the morning I went into labour. My eldest also had come down with the same flu that morning and had a fever. My labour really slowed down while my Mum was getting my son’s things together to take him out for the day. I began to wonder whether I had experienced false labour and that perhaps we had called Jill for no reason. I voiced my concerns to Jill; she reassured me that there was no pressure and that the baby would come when he was ready. I began to calm down. Jill used the rebozo scarf technique on me to reposition the baby and advised my husband and I to go to bed for a rest and a cuddle. It was the best thing that she could have done as after about 30-45 mins of snuggling and sleeping (my husband) my labour kicked into high gear.

I had been having quite a bit of pain in my hips during my third trimester which could have been SPD, I suppose, however, it was never diagnosed. However it became quite painful in labour and prevented me from moving. Jill gave me an absolutely amazing massage on my lower back and around my hip area and it really helped to alleviate the pain so that I was able to move more easily.

The labour progressed very quickly, so quickly in fact that it became clear we weren’t going to have the water birth we had planned for. It also became clear that the Midwife wasn’t going to arrive in time for the birth. After a fleeting thought that I couldn’t push the baby out without the Midwife there Jill assured me that she was there for me. I was able to put complete trust in her as she delivered our beautiful, healthy boy – Arthur.

Thank you again, Jill for being an amazing doula, a loving friend and such a peaceful spirit.

Sarah, Will, Elijah and baby Arthur





I met Jill when I was pregnant with my first son, and I took her pregnancy yoga classes. She is a wonderful teacher and you can tell immediately what a caring and gentle person she is. Despite high hopes for a natural home birth, due to complications I ended up having a somewhat traumatic birth in hospital, and I spent the following years mourning for the labour and birth I'd originally hoped for. When I became pregnant for the second time, I knew I wanted to hire a doula and try again for a home water birth, and as chance would have it, got back in touch with Jill, who was now trained as a doula. She helped me to think positively throughout the pregnancy, and get over the fear of another hospitalisation and the memories of my first labour. My husband and I felt confident that she would be the perfect match for us, and would be there to support both me and my husband through the birth. She lent us a birthing pool and could not have been more accommodating in helping us prepare for labour.

When I went into labour I called Jill immediately. She brought a calming presence with her and gently helped me through each contraction, using massage and pressure and comforting words. She even got in the pool with me at one point, and helped support me when I was feeling exhausted, and suggested different labouring positions to increase the efficiency of the contractions. She was a fabulous intermediary with the midwives too. I was nervous because I had not had a great experience with one of the midwives at my first birth (though this time they were absolutely great), and Jill made sure they knew my wishes and respected them, and at no time did I feel pressured or hurried. She was a fantastic support for my husband too, and kept him informed with each step of the way, as well as reassuring him that everything would be fine. He was also anxious because of our previous experience, so having Jill there as a friendly and knowledgeable companion was so valuable to him.

Though my labour mostly went smoothly, as the baby was being born, he suffered a shoulder dystocia and was stuck for some time while the midwives tried to help him out. After this difficulty he needed resuscitating and we had to transfer to hospital. Obviously this was all horrendously worrying and stressful but Jill was with us all the way. She was there to help explain the situation (as she had experienced similar situations before) and give opinions on treatments and options. She even went and bought us some nourishing lunch! After a week in intensive care, our baby boy was able to come home, 100% healthy and well. Jill provided after-birth support and friendship, as well as organising for my placenta to be encapsulated and recommending a cranial osteopath.

I cannot thank Jill enough, and don't want to imagine how I would have coped with the labour and the events afterwards if she had not been there. She is a very special, soulful person and has so many holistic talents that she is able to adapt her services to suit anyone. Though midwives obviously do an incredible job, their main focus has to be the baby and the practicalities of the situation, so the labouring woman (and her partner) often don't receive the emotional support and explanations that they perhaps need. That's where having a doula is so wonderful, and I would recommend Jill to everyone who wants to experience an empowering and beautiful birth.

Jo and Joe


Welcoming Our Daughters
Welcoming Ourselves


I found the weekend deeply inspiring and transformational and have a thousand and one ideas about how to embed it all. I found the weaving together of the seasons and cycles of weather, fire, menstruating and life cycles deeply compelling and moving. It brought this relationship to life for me in a new way and has broken open my micro thinking into a more profound macro way. Awesome. Iris is equally inspired and I loved the fact she was able to observe strong women rooted in nature and know she too could step on that road. Thank you amazing staff team and also to our community of women and girls who provided a container to explore in.

I hope this camp is still running when I have a daughter. I want to bring her.

Probably the most inspirational community experience we have ever had. Thank you to each and everyone of you! C came home and made a fire pit to enjoy with her sister and brother.

We arrived home and my partner said what a noticeable difference he saw and felt in us - which says it all . It was so wonderful to meet you all and you daughters, inspiring and heart filling to see a small glimpse of a weekend without conflict in it ( knowing that is possible in the world- is a great seed!) . Could talk and praise for hours . Thank you all of you .

That was one of the most moving and inspirational times that I have ever shared with Amelie. May all our fires continue to burn bright!


It has been an enriching and powerful journey and has brought a lot of healing into our lives for which I am deeply grateful. Jill is a skilled and dedicated facilitator, bringing so much of her passion for personal growth and healing into what she offers. I would enthusiastically encourage other mothers and daughters to get involved with this rites of passage course. It is invaluable work.


For me, the mother's circles Jill holds were powerful and beautiful. I loved the way Jill held the space with love, integrity, openness and assurance. Whatever came up I felt in safe caring hands. I found the processes potent and offering deep healing.

My daughter LOVED it. She loved being in a community of women, singing and sharing and playing and having time to simply be together. It was a rare treasure for me to have one to one time with my daughter and so nourishing for our relationship. It was also such a valued gift to feel so looked after by Jill, fed delicious and nutritious food, to be held with care and have time to be with my daughter and my friends without any need to do any work or any obligation.

- Dawn

Our weekend together has put me back in touch with myself again - such a relief. It seems possible (today) to still my anxious heart and listen to my sadness, my sorrow about it all changing with deep love and compassion - modelled so beautifully by our facilitators at the weekend - so that I am able to breath freely enough to remember another way to hold grief - with reverence - knowing it has such lessons to teach me. Talking about the gifts of the menopause and how this period is so potent and powerful for women has really lifted a veil for me - I feel I have a positive and constructive framework to work with to empower my journey. Wonderful. Thank you wonderful souls.

And I have a deeper connection with Matilda who just LOVED the camp. I see her more fully as the beautiful powerful sensual young woman she is becoming. Thank you.

I will add in here (paraphrased) what Matilda says she got from the camp:

Before I came to the camp, I felt like I'd got a bit lost. I was trying to fit in with the crowd and be the same as everyone else. There is quite a pressure to conform. I didn't want to stand out. But I feel like my time here has re-connected me to myself so I remember better who I am. I loved making the bow and arrow, hanging out in our tree house and making great friends.  I will remember that feeling as I start my journey into secondary school'. 


Women's Gatherings



Their combined wisdom, experience, intuition and deep listening enabled me to step into a beautifully held healing space in which it was safe to access deep levels of wounding. Through their holding of that container I was able to be vulnerable and honest and from that place to connect with what I most needed to heal. Not only was I able to access that which needed healing but through their guidance and use of simple ceremony to release it. The work I have done with Jill and Tatiana has greatly supported my healing journey.

- Penny


After our circle I walked down the road looking at each woman I passed and thinking of what may lay beneath the exterior, understanding that we are all connected & share common experiences.

Our weekend workshop was a really significant and unforgettable milestone for me and has really evolved my understanding of myself and women in general. I can already feel the shift in the way I relate to myself and my needs and in the way I speak with my daughter.
Last week she and I sat on my bedroom floor, just a few feet from where she was born and I told her about her birth and we looked carefully at the dried umbilical cord which we once shared and which I have kept safely since then. It marked a special moment for us both and I feel that it will be the first of many moments of acknowledgement for our journeys together as mother and daughter, as well as individually. We both loved it!
Thank you so much to Jill and all of you for creating the space which has allowed me to open into connecting with so much more about myself & allowed me to connect with you all.



I am so deeply grateful and touched by our sharing at the weekend and for the wonderful, healing space you held so well. What a beautiful space. 

My heart is still pounding like the drums, loud in my ears, from the excitement of it. I can only describe it as like finally arriving home. I feel a yearning to connect more to this hidden herstory that we started to uncover over the weekend. I feel these stories hold many riches for me and for my girls. I just can't thank you and our circle of women enough. I feel I have taken a long drink of water after a drought.

Specifically feedback on the course: just the right number of women it felt so safe to share. I was delighted that there was the space for the agenda to follow the flow and to change track to meet the needs in the room. I feel deep gratitude that you spoke about the inner critic and shone light on my internal dynamics that are just so helpful. I was relieved we didn't go too far from the safety of the room.

So it just remains to bow deeply to you dear Jill once more - what an inspiration and knowledge you are bringing into the world - and sending a pray that all our paths meet again.