"What's that Muma?"
From Lucy, Brighton, Mother of two young ones……
"whats that muma?" Her voice innocent and bright. Just on the edge of changing from toddler to child. Her words more clearly formed now. Everything noticed. Actions seem louder than words. "That your perod? she asks coming close to look between my legs. Innocent. Shameless. Brown eyes flash and a frown crinkles her four year old forehead. "Does it hurt? Bleeding everywhere" she smiles and steps back watching intently as I empty my mooncup. "not really I say " it feels better when it comes....." I look at her intently and she stares back. "Looks yucky!"
"It's not. It's amazing. It's my bodies way of telling me where I am in life and how it's doing. It's the flow of life my darling daughter. Without it you would not exist. You will have it one day too. We will celebrate when you do".
I hope she believes my words. I almost believe them myself. She stares back solemnly, then runs off giggling some game. And I am left alone for a moment, fingertips bloody and my mind burns with thoughts. I want this to be different for her. It has to be. I feel my teeth grit with spontaneous determination. Surprised by the strength of it. Wipe the blood and think of all the Women who have bled before me and those bleeding now. What power lies here! What a thing our bodies are capable of! By simply shedding blood wombs can conjure such intense emotions, fear, guilt, shame, relief, pride, joy, sadness, love, hate, all tangled in a single drop of womb blood. What if we could harness that power? What if we learnt about it, welcomed it, taught our children about it? What would the world look like then? Have you looked at your blood? Have your children? What do you see? The start of a path perhaps? Or the remembering of an old one? Whatever arises in you, consider this simple fact. Your blood is powerful. And so, beloveds, are you.