The Rope to god and an antidote to finding self

Your hand opens and closes and opens and closes

If it were always a fist or always stretched open,

You would be paralysed.

Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expanding.

The two as beautifully balanced and coordinated as bird wings.


This other piece speaks to me so strongly about the risks of self improvement. Sadly I cannot find who wrote it, so apologies to the original author.


We think we are lost

while our fuller

found and complete selves

are somewhere in the future

we get on our hands and knees

thinking self improvement will

help us reach them

but this finding ourselves bullshit

is never going to end.

I m tired of putting off living until

I have more information on who I am.

I m a new person every month

always becoming and unbecoming

only to become again.

Our fuller selves are not off in the future.

They re right here

in the only moment that exists.

I don’t need fixing.

I will be searching for answers my whole life

Not because I am a half formed thing

but because I m brilliant enough to keep growing

everything necessary to live a vivid life already exists in me.

jill kettle