Fire Quest Ceremony Format

The fire quest builds connection with ourselves, fire, Spirit, nature and community. It is a practical and effective way to find out more about our personal relationship and alignment with Life. This short form vision quest is supported by the community held Sacred fire.

The fire quest itself takes 24 hours, beginning at dawn on the day after arrival at the camp. The quester prepares during the day and then tends their fire in a self selected place from dusk to dawn, being with the fire through its full lifecycle from conception as a spark to full fire back to embers. They return to the community fire at dawn on the following day. There is the strong invitation to fast from food although there can be exceptions to this.

Questing has always been a part of the human experience. Sitting with fire in an intentional and contemplative way is one of many ways to seek the wisdom of spirit and a way of questing that is accessible to us all. It is about our own direct relationship to spirit and the elements. There are many ways and reasons to quest. We might focus on a particular question or area in our lives, take time to reflect, offer gratitude, deepen or refine alignment and direction in life. We might focus on healing or transforming stuckness. Quests can be powerful contributors to self discovery at thresholds and rites of passage moments in our lives. At the centre of most quests lies the question of what is in our hearts at the deepest level.

Getting clear about what you really want out of the experience is something you may already know or would like to explore more as part of the preparation before going on this quest. We will support you prepare for and integrate your experience. A part of the ending of the weekend is a thanksgiving ceremony to help you to offer gratitude for the changes that you are inviting into your life and “own” your own experience more fully.

Questers need to be over 13 and be accompanied by a parent onsite if under 16.

jill kettle